Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Getting Set In Wine Stains Out Of Tablecloths

I make no money off this product.

But it's miraculous enough for me to want to share the joy.
You might have noticed that we don't use plastic overlays on our tablecloths.
You might imagine that children (and adults) spill copious amounts of wine and grape juice over eight days and two sedarim.
What you might NOT know, is that I smile calmly throughout, because OxiClean Powder removes the darkest, most set in wine stains easily. I wet each an every stain (Okay, I do get a bit obsessive about this part and treat even the tiniest ones) and rub in a paste of the powder and water (sort of like these instructions). Don't get nervous when the purple spots instantly turn blue... that's a good sign. I then launder as usual with an extra scoop of Oxi with the detergent in the machine for good measure. VoilĂ .

(Three down.... five to go.....)

Don't thank me.... just call me Heloise ;) (and pick me up the giant size the next time you're in Target)

p.s. It works just as well on blood and stubborn baby spit up stains....


  1. I actually use this product all the time and love it! No more Clorox for me anymore!!

  2. We love it too!!
    for really stubborn stains, the key is time (long soaking)and temperature(hot).

  3. So...why don't you just use the plastic and save all the bother??? Waste of time...

  4. Anonymous -

    Everybody has to decide what does and does not fit in to their personal lifestyle for themselves, but saying that it's a "waste of time might be sweeping with a pretty broad stroke.

    The fact that I'm pretty sure you don't wear plastic clothes to "save the bother" of laundering them aside, I would venture to say that we all do many things to enhance the service of Hakodosh Boruch Hu and to improve the beauty of said service, as they did in the Bais Hamikdash as well, that others could arbitrarily dismiss as not worth it.

  5. I too love this product. I used it on my daughter's grape juice stained white shirt and on our carpet that got BB-Q sauce shmeared on it. Both are now perfectly spotless again!

  6. Also, my husband hates plastic tableclothes so we are happy to spend the time cleaning our tablecloth with Oxi Clean
