Friday, April 9, 2010

I Wish Blogger Had An "Insert Aroma" Feature...

Inserting this photo just doesn't seem adequate.
The house smells tantalizingly like Shabbos.

Wishing all my readers happiness, HEALTH and prosperity.

(For those of you who are curious, I bake my shlussel challahs with the key protruding slightly. I'm nervous about embedding a key because if an unsuspecting diner breaks a tooth, the only person whose parnassa increases will be the dentist....)


  1. We have this machine:

    Courtsey: BLD

  2. beautiful challot! just curious how many keys you put in your challah. someone told me they fill the challah with keys, I only put in one.

  3. I only put in one key.
    This year I made challahs for my children too, so I put their key in their challah as well.

    In truth, I'm not a big proponent of segulas. They can get so out of hand that they border on avoda zarah.

    (For an interesting observance on the segula phenomenon, read this blog post.)

  4. We don't embed keys, largely for the reasons you describe. Instead, we make key shaped challos or make keys out of dough to put on top. And this year, getting tose things made was a challenge! Not a lot of time.

    I so hear you on the segulos thing. Very scary...

  5. G6, water or egg challah? Either way they look great!

  6. Anonymous -

    These were egg challahs.
    And thank you ;)
