Friday, May 14, 2010

Food Photo Friday - Leftovers

To say that my family isn't big on leftovers is like saying Bill Gates has a bit of money put away for retirement.

Unfortunately, I'm not terribly big on throwing food away either, so I need to "repackage" my leftovers so my kinfolk don't even realize that it is what Avram affectionately refers to as "Sholom Aleichem Food".

This chicken dish accomplishes the goal. Leftover chicken tends to be dry and somewhat unappealing. I cube it up, add it to a sautee of TONS of yummy veggies (my favorites are onions, celery and baby bella mushrooms). I then deglaze with some mushroom soup base, some "parve" milk, some water and at the last minute, I throw in some frozen peas. I serve it over rice and voilĂ !


  1. I rememeber an old Readers Digest line about the Methodist cleric who was being served leftovers for the third night in a row. Skipping the pre-meal prayer, he quipped "we've blessed this meal already!"

  2. You had me until the peas. :)
    Nice idea, the mushroom soup. I'll have to try that.

  3. YB - Very funny!
    SA - You sound like my daughter....

  4. I've totally stopped using "pareve" milk in my recipes, I can taste the chemicals. I use soy milk or rice milk. World of difference.

  5. FBB -
    Feel free to customize this recipe any way you like.

  6. In our house the word leftovers is what is verboten, not the leftovers themselves. They're called cook aheads, a far more positive statement, which somehow they all bought into.

  7. Now tell us what to do with leftover cholent.

  8. BLD,
    If your family won't eat the leftover cholent as is, use it to fill those small squares of flaky dough pastry, fold into a triangular shape, bake and serve with salsa or guacamole--a Jewish version of empanadas

  9. I see everyone is commenting on the ingredients, substitutions, etc. Having actually tasted this creation, I would just like to add 'YUMMY!'
    Also, the photo spread of the ingredients is kinda cool. Saves me a phone call :)

  10. Great idea! I have some chicken left over from Shabbat and you've inspired me to upgrade it. I will admit, though, that my version will likely be a lot more simplified than yours! (no mushroom base or pareve milk handy at the moment).
