Friday, May 7, 2010

Food Photo Friday - Mothers Day Edition

Back in 2005, Joey worked in a pizza store. He invited me to come up and visit him at work on Mother's Day.
Here is an albeit blurry photo of what he had prepared for me ("Mom" spelled out in mushrooms...).
Sentimental sons are *awesome*!!!


  1. Waitaminit! Since when are yekkes allowed to be sentimental? :)

  2. efrex -

    Haven't you figured out by now that this whole BLOG is about mythbusting with regard to Yekkes?!?!

    And as an aside, I shoulda known that you wouldn't comment on the other Mother's day post, since (present comment excepted) you seldom seem to possess the capabilities to compress your thoughts into few words :P
    (yes siree, the gauntlet has just been thrown....)

  3. And it's the little things that are the most touching!

  4. You think it's only efrex who can't manage 6 words? Okay, holding a leash on the words "Mothers, the cement of family stability."

  5. so very sweet! and sentimental boys? *priceless!* happy mother's day!
