Monday, May 31, 2010

The High Line

Today, Avram and I ventured to a spot in New York City that up until now had escaped us. The High Line is a public park built on a nearly half mile long elevated rail structure running from Gansevoort Street to 34th Street on Manhattan's West Side. It was originally an elevated freight rail line, which operated from 1934 to 1980. It carried meat to the meatpacking district, agricultural goods to the factories & warehouses of the industrial West Side, and mail to the Post Office.

After it fell into disuse, and was slated for demolition, some very forward thinking people came up with the idea to create an innovative new public space, elevated above the city streets, overlooking the Hudson River and the city skyline, out of what was seemingly a monstrous eyesore.

I especially enjoyed how the designers left remnants of the tracks, which can be seen poking out on occasion from the lush greenery.

The High Line is not quite complete and you can see from this view, the ten block stretch of track that has not yet been landscaped and is not yet accessible to the public. There is also a water feature under construction which should be completed in mid-July.

But by far, my favorite sight on the High Line was this incredible piece of art. It was a painting, made to look like it had been left out to the elements. Not only is it in the process of "disintegrating", but it is "morphing" back into nature. Notice how the stretcher bars that hold the canvas to the frame, are reverting back into tree limbs ... truly incredible and inspired art!



  1. Nice pics. Looks like fun. BLD also had a good and meaningful time at the Satmar protest in Manhattan.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is amazing...Shuli I can always count on you. Seriously. Some events recently have made me question the value of human-created beauty - that people value it so much more than the beauty created by G-d. I love that you then write a post showing how beautiful it is when the two work together.
