Monday, June 14, 2010

Wedding Season

These few weeks in June prior to the three weeks are always jam packed with weddings.
Mazal tov to my nephew A and his new wife S on their wedding last night.
Mazal tov as well to frumcollegegirl on her upcoming nuptials (Any other bloggers going? Drop me a line and we'll designate a meeting spot...).
I tend to blog all too frequently about all the things I hate about weddings, but last night's festivities have put me into such a good mood that I'm going to tell you all the things I love about weddings today.
  • Families gathering from far flung corners in order to celebrate together.
  • Young "love" - full of promise and hope.
  • Two less "Shidduch Crisis" statistics
  • Dancing with my grandchildren (they don't step on my toes with stilletos)
  • Open bars (though we've been renaming some of the drinks for takana purposes.... "Bochur in the Beis" anyone?)
  • .... and of course..... curling up and going to sleep when the night is finally over :D


  1. You're good at taking (or posting) photos that only partially reveal the people in them. :)

    In any event, mazel tov.

  2. Yehudah -
    I work at it ;)
    Glad you appreciate the difficulty involved.

  3. After a long wedding I like to curl up with a knapkin on me too!

  4. Mazal tov to FCG!

    Past but recent:
    MAK (FrumInSouthFlorida) + ChildIsh
    JewishSide (The Babysitter)
    Dude with Hat (me)
