Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday's Wacky (Clever) Signs

Not exactly a "wacky" sign, but clever nonetheless.
In my experience though, this is not a threat to our children.
How is it that they get married and leave full closets and bureaus behind?
Oh, and don't you dare throw out or even move that lucky baseball or tape from a random 1997 shiur.... just leave it right where it is.....


  1. That is a good one! It's funny!

  2. itsagift -
    Yeah, a real riot.
    Maybe all the "parents" out there should hold a "married/moved out children yard sale"!

  3. Come to think of it, that would not be a bad idea! And whatever doesn't sell gets thrown out (or donated to goodwill).

    My mother has the marrieds take their "stuff" by the time they are married for three months. Otherwise, the house becomes a storage center and the drawers, shelves and closets are so full there's no room for the couples to put their clothing when they come for shabbos or yom tov.

    And everyone still come back to visit! Must be my mother's cooking! (Kidding! It goes much farther than that!)

  4. itsagift -
    The problem is that I was as guilty of this in MY DAY as my children are today... (probably moreso).
    I only threw away my old college textbooks when my mother gave up her apartment 25 years later and I was forced to clean it out....

  5. My mother accosted me about this one motzai shabbos when I was staying over: I think I threw out 3 boxes of stuff that evening! But I still have seforim, old newspaper clippings, tapes, and other randm odds and ends at my parents, even after moving out 10 years ago!!

  6. an acquaintance of mine has a t shirt that says
    It's not an empty nest until they get their stuff out of the basement.

    couldn't catch my breath laughing the first time I saw it.

  7. Anon-I love that one! Awesome!!

    I should tell that to my mother-she'd like it too. Not that her nest is empty just yet...but it's still so good!

  8. See, this was never part of my experience: my mother believed in making sure that stuff got thrown out ASAP, so there was virtually nothing of mine left at the alter heim within a week of my moving out. If I'm not mistaken, the only stuff I have left there is the wall of cassette tapes which would be a tremendous source of embarrassment if anybody actually remembered who those musical acts were (in best Yoda voice: when in the early '90s pop music you discover, such good taste you will not have, hmm?)
