Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bryant Park Summer Film Festival - It's Not About The Movie

Avram and I went out last night and enjoyed the lovely summer air at the annual Bryant Park Summer Film Festival, which will run on Monday nights through August 23rd (Anyone else up for the August 16th showing of Twelve Angry Men?)

I must tell you that it's definitely not about the movie. If you want to watch a movie in peace, this is definitely not the way to do it. If you want to sit outside on a lovely night in New York City, admiring the skyline while sharing a unique visual experience with 10,000 friendly strangers then get to it!

Just one caveat - if you think that the weather is stunning and it makes for better viewing, it pays to consider any torrential rainstorms that might have occurred on the previous day. Let's just say that the lawn holds substantial moisture - until of course someone's posterior hits a blanket and then it releases substantial moisture ;) But hey, it's not about personal comfort either.....

(If you a wondering what the balloons are scattered across the first photo - it is NOT anybody's birthday. That is how people find their groups in the crowd. As technology advances we saw more and more innovative ways people come up with to stand out in the crowd. From "low tech" balloons and dance sticks to higher tech iPads flashing "Over Here" signs...)


  1. It's been a while since we've done it, but The Lovely Wife(tm) and I went several times both pre- and post-marriage. Definitely a fun experience, although how much it's about the movie varies with how well-known a film it is. (If I tell you that the movies we saw included Cabaret, All About Eve, and 2001: A Space Odyssey, would anyone be surprised?)

    We've actually been there for the torrential rainstorms too (The Lovely Wife(tm) agreed to see me again after we stayed till the end of Cabaret in a monsoon... proof that high levels beauty, brains, and spirituality are not necessarily indicators of common sense).

  2. Good company also makes it more appealing. Although watching Monty Python meant that we were particularly missing one individual who is living across the world...

  3. Could we get a review on The Kings Speech

  4. YW -
    Two thumbs up.
    HIGHLY recommended.
