Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wednesday's Wacky Signs

In keeping with the shoe theme of yesterday's Ruby Tuesday post, I present you with today's wacky sign.
This one comes all the way from Denmark - either the home of the badly cobblestoned roadways or the home of the high heeled shoes (or both).

And also in keeping with yesterday's theme of including bonus photos, I hereby give you what I personally consider to be a wacky sign. Why, you ask? Because in light of this story, detailing the loss of FOUR GUNS from JFK airport, I sure am glad that La Guardia airport is safe from the evils of snowglobes!!! (sorry didn't mean to drip that glob of sarcasm all over you... it washes right out)
That TSA - - - they're so on the ball.


  1. I love that sign with the high heeled shoe! Awesome sign!

  2. Snowglobes?! Right, because history is just full of recorded instances of snowglobe terrorist attacks. What's next? An anti-snowglobe terrorist exposure branch of Homeland Security, with its own specially trained agents and, of course, a hefty budget voted in by Congress?

  3. Virgin America website has baggage policy FAQs. Best one, "Can I bring a firearm on a Virgin America flight?"

    Now, please tell me why it would occur to you to ask this when you are told that you cannot bring more than 3oz of toothpaste. Because while it is annoying, gel and liquid explosives are very easy to assemble and you don't need a lot for a huge impact. But FIREARMS, that's one I would be questioning...

  4. That sign is actually real?? Who thought of that rule?

  5. @Mystery Woman -

    Yes, it is a real sign at La Guardia airport.
    According to the TSA, these items
    "contain an undetermined amount of liquid" and therefore they OBVIOUSLY pose a far greater threat than the four missing Glocks.

  6. when i was in LGA in the winter i saw that sign and put in on facebook. it really amazes me that of all signs the TSA decided to make snowglobes was clearly a priority. Thank you TSA for keeping the US safe. 1 snowglobe at a time!

  7. snowglobes? that would be hsyterical if it wasnt so pathetic and sad....
