Monday, July 12, 2010

Yes, Folks... Now I've Done It All

I'm one of those people who genuinely believes that everything is possible.
Well, I think I've finally done it all.
I didn't quite manage to get my elbow in my ear, but while preparing cookies yesterday to send to Jennifer at camp, I managed to burn my forehead.......on the oven rack. "How?", you ask. I'm not quite sure. The last thing I remember doing was leaning over to check on their done-ness. While I am the "Queen of Burns", this is a new one even for me.

On a more serious note, today is the 9th yahrzeit for my dear father (how time does fly). I thank everybody who emailed me privately and commented publicly on this blog with their own very comforting personal memories.
If anybody would like to dedicate their learning or acts of chessed today, Rosh Chodesh Av, to my father's zechus, I would be most grateful.


  1. Ad Bias Hagoel...

  2. Zichrono livrocho lichayei haolam habo.

  3. Bimheiro Biyomeinu -
    Thank you all.

  4. I reiterate my previous comments. may you take comfort in your memories of him.
