Saturday, August 7, 2010

Dinner Guests - The Next Installment

My landlady appreciates the enviroment of hachnosas orchim that we try to create in and around our home and happily offers me the names and phone numbers of new neighbors who move in to our building.

We had one such lovely young couple on Friday night and it only took until some time between aishes chayil and kiddush to establish the fact that we are distantly related (aren't we all?)...

Shabbos day we were privileged to have "Michael Westin" and family for lunch. L'il Westin #1 made Avram's day when he commented that our white striped tablecloth reminded him of a Yom Kippur tallis - - - something Avram sheepishly admitted that he had thought himself on ocassion. L'il Westin #2 had me wrapped around her finger the minute she set up the tea set we'd given her to play with in perfect color coordinated fashion. She cemented the deal when she told me that she already has her Purim costume for next year planned out. I must say that all the L'il Westins behaved better than many ADULTS we've had at our table (as Rav Breuer zt"l once said in one of his mussar shmoozes, "I don't mean ANYBODY in particular, but if you think I mean you, then I do...."). Conversation with the adults was lively and interesting as well and once again the lights went out too early on a perfectly lovely Shabbos meal.


  1. The privilege was ours. Thanks again for having us. We all had a wonderful time. Your family is one-of-a-kind and so much fun!

    You are true ambassadors of "our derech" and there is so much that we can learn from you.

    We hope that we can return the favor some time soon.

  2. I don't fully understand. Is the tallis different on Yom Kippur than the rest of the year?

  3. Yekke wannabe -

    On the Yomim Noro'im it is customary for married men who wear a kittel to wear a tallis with a white on white stripe as opposed to the usual black on white. (L'il Westin #1 referred to it as a "Yom Kippur Tallis")
