Friday, August 20, 2010

Food Photo Friday - Russian Vinaigrette

I work with a gentleman named George. George is Russian. George is often giving me recipe ideas, most probably because we all know that I have absolutely no interest in or affinity for cooking (snort). Most of George's recipes involve vodka or large quantities of beef. Some of George's recipes involve vodka AND beef. I seldom even listen to make George's recipes.... until this week.
George told me about a fascinating recipe entitled Russian Vinaigrette. It appealed to me because it is yet another one of those salads that, if served on Friday night, will still remain palatable as leftovers on Shabbos day.

Russian Vinaigrette
  • 1-2 large bunch beets, cooked and cubed small
  • 4-7 red potatoes, cooked and cubed small
  • 3/4 - 1 bag baby carrots, cooked and cubed small
  • several scallions, chopped
  • 1 bag sauerkraut, drained
  • 4-6 pickles, chopped
  • splash of olive oil
  • salt - only if needed... test first (mine needed)

hmm..... I wonder how it would go with a shot of vodka......


  1. Looks good, but, um, is there vinegar?

  2. Most of George's recipes involve vodka or large quantities of beef. Some of George's recipes involve vodka AND beef.

    And the problem with this is...?

    In the immortal (alleged) words of Winston Churchill: "I always cook with wine. Sometimes, I even pour some into the food!"

  3. Efrex-

    This is washington heights they don't drink to much here.

  4. Staying Afloat -
    The vinegar is in the sauerkraut and the pickles.

    efrex -
    Yes, that line was the impetus for my blog post's ending line.
    And I DO cook with vodka.... Penne Vodka anyone? :D

  5. Looks SO delicious! But, how big is a "bag" of sauerkraut? I've only seen glass jars.... Thanks!

  6. Sandee -

    A bag weighs one pound.

  7. I guess you did not add black beans in it. My mum always does and it makes Vinaigrette more Russian :) it does not go with vodka though :)))

    גמר חתימה טובה
