Sunday, September 26, 2010

1st Annual GWC2D Succah Hop - PART TWO

Welcome one and all to the Beit Shean Valley installment of the Succah Hop.
On this leg of our journey, we will be visiting sunny Israel, where the Succos temperatures can soar to 98 degrees.
Blog reader Perlsand, who kindly sent in this photo (I'm still waiting on a few more from the rest of you!) informs me that she hasn't yet forgotten the New York Succoses of her childhood where they sat in coats and blankets and left the sodas out on the apartment windowsill in order to chill them. By contrast, she now has one half-wall for ventilation and three fans!

(Keep those submission coming! and don't forget to tell me how/if you'd like to be credited. Try something new. Make it fun! We all can't wait to "pop in".)


  1. As Perlsand's sister, I can vouch that this was a VERY comfortable, roomy sukkah - despite the VERY high temperature. (By the time we spent Shabbat there, there were FOUR fans!)

  2. Hey, I see we had a similar idea! Great minds must think alike!

    Here's my virtual sukkah hop ( also somewhat woefully attended :( Would you like me to send you a pix of my sukkah? I'd love to join your party!

    ~ Mara (from Chaviva's blog)

  3. Welcome Mara!

    Certainly send pics of your succah :D
    I have some more posts lined up...
    I'm just trying to space them out.
