Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Succah Hop Final Stop - Have A Seat At Our Table

.... and have a wonderful Yom Tov!
(it looks like our granddaughter Kayla was getting an early start while we were setting the table...)


  1. very impressive, I'm too "informal"

  2. How does one secure the area/location ? Whom do you pay-off ? :) Isnt there some competition ? You seem to have the same spot year to year...!

  3. BLD -

    There is more than enough room for everyone and there is no competition for either table space or refrigerator space.

    Families that have been using the succah for years tend to gravitate naturally to the same spot every year. There are also many different table configurations ("L"s, squares, longs).

  4. BLD - what do you mean "Whom do you pay off?" i think that is totally out of place to ask that

  5. Anonymous -

    The ":)" That BLD included after that question was his way of specifying that he was joking.....

  6. It looks like you got chargers this year.
