Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Today Is Somebody's Birthday... Who's Birthday?...

... Joey's birthday! How old is he? 22!!!!!

I still remember that Yom Kippur that I paced the halls of Presbyterian Hospital with Avram. Me, wishing he'd come already because 9 months can and does feel like 9 years sometimes - Avram, because he was missing davening in shul and was hoping to be back in time for mincha (he was ;) ).

Joey is a very special and caring young man. Not only does he live a life that is shaping up to be a shining example of Torah Im Derech Eretz, but he also truly cares about others. In the global sense as well as in the personal sense.
One example of each.
He gives blood as often as New York City allows.
When his mother is stressed to the max, he comes home with tropical scented body wash for her to help take her stresses away.

Line up ladies! (He's gonna absolutely kill me for writing that..... tee hee....)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Tomorrow, in fact, happens to be Erica's birthday. It makes me chuckle to remember how when she was a little girl she could never understand how, if she was the OLDER sister, Joey was born a day EARLIER.....



  1. I'm sure he gets the tropical scented body wash from soap.com at the lowest prices

  2. "When his mother is stressed to the max, he comes home with tropical scented body wash for her to help take her stresses away.
    Line up ladies! (He's gonna absolutely kill me for writing that..... tee hee....)_

    bzzt! *referee blows whistle and throws yellow penalty flag*

    "Flagrant pre-emptive embarrassment by mother. Joey is now entitled to review his baby picture album and remove five pictures of his choosing prior to any public showing."

  3. It makes me chuckle to remember how when she was a little girl she could never understand how, if she was the OLDER sister, Joey was born a day EARLIER.....

    Hey, it's better than my friends whose daughter was born shortly before their anniversary, and who, at one of her birthday parties announced "I was born a week before my parents got married!"

  4. efrex -

    You make me LAUGH - over and over again!
    Wishing you a great Yom Tov.

  5. Personally I feel like it qualifies for a red card.

  6. Happy Birthdays Nephew and Niece!

    G6 - with your history, it seems you'll do anything to avoid fasting!

  7. Happy birthday! May you have lots of nachas from both of them!

  8. Happy Giving Birth Day!

    i hear he screamed all night...

  9. I remember when he was born, too. There was some newborn kid screaming like he was just...born or something. kol nidrei night. what a surprise yom kippur morning to see another familiar face in the halls of C.P.

    mazel tov!!
