Monday, September 27, 2010


In the rush to come up with fresh and innovative menu plans for six meals this past Yom Tov, I tried several new recipes that I culled from various websites around the internet.

One of my personal favorites was a decadent Chocolate Coconut Brownie that I dubbed "YeshivaWorld Brownies", for the website on which I found the recipe. In the madness of pre-Yom Tov cooking, I didn't have time to properly organize and file away all the new things I was trying and relied instead on scraps of paper printed quickly and stuffed here and there between the pages of my cookbook.

Chol Hamoed arrived and it was time to restock and replenish my supply of goodies for the next round. The YeshivaWorld brownies had definitely been deemed a "keeper", so off I went to their website to locate the recipe and whip up another scrumptious batch. But the recipe was NOWHERE to be found. A quick search of their website turned up no results. I doubled back to my Google Reader and searched there. NADA. My chocolate coconut brownies had dropped off the face of the internet!!!!

Now I was starting to panic. Where had my Yeshiva World Brownie recipe gone and WHY?? Could there be some new kashrus problems with coconut that I hadn't heard about that might cause the Yeshiva World to pull the recipe off its site? Bugs? Anasakis worms? Chometz She'ovor Olov HaPesach? WHAT?!?!? Could the recipe have been posted without permission? This was very odd......

My last resort was to sift through all the loose pages stuck helter skelter in my cookbook in the hopes of retrieving the cocoa-stained scrap that had been used to create the original masterpiece. After quite some time searching, I stood up triumphantly waving the crumpled page. I eagerly scanned every word trying to find a clue as to why it had been removed from The Yeshiva World website. I looked at the internet address printed on the bottom of the page...... well, don't I feel silly...............


  1. never trust yeshiva world. We need a site called chassidish world.

  2. Thanks now i have what to make for dessert
