Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Yom Tov Table - White & Sweet


  1. Yay!! I win this one!
    As my hubby was setting out the WHITE Challah cover yesterday he commented that we must be one of the few families that use a special, white, challah cover for this time of year. I responded that your family FOR SURE has one as well! He wasnt as certain... The woman is right once again:)

  2. I like the no plastic cover - challah cover. I guess you can pray on RH that it doesnt get a stain.

  3. SL -
    Shame on your husband!
    He should know that any family that has a dedicated challah cover for Shabbos Chanukah, SURELY has one for Rosh Hashana.

    BLD -
    My opinion of plastic covered challah covers is about the same as my opinion of plastic covered sofas....

  4. I hope you had a wonderful yom tov.

    May you and your family have a happy, healthy, and sweet new year!

  5. My Hungarian ancestors may be twisting in their graves, but when the white challah cover is 53 years old, hand embroidered and I'm no longer trusting that the cleaners won't kill it then I adore that plastic cover that keeps it safe. Whole heartedly agree about the couches though.

  6. BLD-

    Maybe there are more important things to pray for on Rosh Hashana.

  7. I got myself a white on white tallis for the Yomim Noraim this year.
