Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Contest Is Now Closed - Winner To Be Announced Shortly

The Cookbook Giveaway Contest is now closed and the winner will be announced shortly.
I must say that I had a wonderful time reading all of your kitchen mishaps.
Of course NEW stories evolved in the process.
Like the phone call I received from a blog reader 8 MINUTES before Shabbos, excitedly informing me that her camera batteries were dead and she had extra guests coming who would likely polish off the entire recipe that she had prepared to photograph for the contest and how would I handle a missed photo op? (I told her to send me a photo of the crumbs...). In the end, her husband came to the rescue by finding batteries, but we here in the G6 household couldn't get over the irony that our cooking mishap contest was a breeding ground for new kitchen mishaps....

Now for the bonus entry award(s).
Although I originally stated that I was going to give one bonus entry to the entrant that entertained me the most, I really couldn't choose. I am therefore awarding TWO bonus entries. (Joey goes on record saying that, "This is nonsense and encourages our 'everybody wins' society, in which the joy of winning is lost and in truth everybody loses".)

Bonus Entry winners are:
Yekkishe Bekkishe
Hudi Kenigsberg
(with an honorable mention to Star)

The Number Picking Committee is busily preparing the (Indiana Jones) hat for the upcoming official number picking ceremony.
Good luck to all of you.


  1. Hah! the only one that made me laugh was cuzzin buzzin.

  2. thanks to my fan club. come eat here sometime.

  3. Cuzzin Buzzin-

    Could I eat by you also?

  4. yup. are you in walking distance?? but first you have to explain WHY you want to be one of US.

  5. Cuzzin Buzzin-

    I'm not sure why i have to explain why i want to be one of you first of all is that some kind of criteria to eat by you? And I don't understand the question it seems like you don't want to be one, like why do you want to be one of us? i don't have to explain why i want to be one of you that's the problem with nowadays people are self conscious about being a yekke . You being a member of the "L" family should understand it is something you should take pride in not question why other people want to be like you.
