Friday, October 8, 2010

Food Photo Friday - The "10 Second Rule"

Every family has their own standards for the "10 second rule". Some hold the exact 'zman', while others will look the other way for 20, 30 or {gasp!} 40 seconds. Some will apply it only to dry foods, while others will allow it to wet foods if they are particularly yummy and/or contain chocolate.

I'm going to let you in on a deep dark "G6 maiden name" family secret.
Some of my kin have taken the 10 second rule to a whole other level ;)

Many moons ago, a Sheva Brochos was held in my childhood home for my cousin Sammy. What a wonderful simcha. What delicious food! WHAT A GORGEOUS CAKE FOR DESSERT.

Oh, it was beautiful! You should have seen it...... BEFORE this photo was taken, that is.
(Click to enlarge)

You see, when the time came to serve dessert, my mother brought the particularly lovely looking cake into the dining room for all to admire. Ooohs and aaahs were uttered all around. She then left the dining room in order to return to the kitchen and cut the cake for serving. At least that was the PLAN. Unfortunately, she tripped in the hallway and the entire cake landed perfectly FACE DOWN on the foyer floor. I won't mention any names or anything, but a certain uncle who witnessed the debacle, was completely unfazed and cut the cake right then and there, flipped it over piece by piece and sent it back in to the dining room on dessert plates. No one was the wiser.... that is, until today...........


  1. LOL!!! I love the ten second rule...but this!!!

  2. My question is who was the one who took the picture? :)

  3. Yekke Wannabe -

    The feet are mine and although I have no proof positive as to who snapped the photo, there is little doubt in my mind that it was my FATHER.

    He was well known as the family photographer and had a selection of cameras and lenses that may very well have inspired the first B&H Photo ;)

  4. My respect and admiration for your parents has just shot up. If The Lovely Wife(tm) had just dropped a cake on the floor and I took the time to photograph the chaos rather than help out, I'd probably have one or more of those knives sticking out of me...

  5. Does that 10 second rule also apply if the item was not dropped on the floor but if someone fell face first into the cake while trying to blow out the candles? Might have been a bit longer than 10 seconds but the cake was quickly cut up minus the obvious facial indentations in the top--and of course it was chocolate so throwing it all out just wasn't an option. Your uncle is a wise man.
