Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday's Wacky Signs - What Do YOU Think?

So if you've been keeping up with my posts, you know that:
a) my building recently held a "get to know your neighbors" kiddush and
b) that I baked tie dye cookies for the ocassion.
I also saw this as a perfect opportunity to 'drum up' more Friday night guest business, so I made a discreet sign to be placed next to the cookie platter.
The problem is that Joey felt that it sounded somewhat akin to a pedophile.
Avram thought it conjured up Hansel and Gretel.
I thought it was friendly and inviting......

(this seems like another "Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense" situation, if you ask me ....)


  1. I also thought it was a very nice way of being friendly and giving an invitation i don't understand what the big deal is.

    P.S. can't wait for my turn

  2. I might have added "over" to Friday Night Dinner!
    I've never seen tie-dyed cookies before, either. must read back through your posts

  3. Anonymous:
    I believe we've invited you NUMEROUS times already! All we need is for you to accept!

    LOL! Point taken :D

  4. Lol @ VioletSky. THAT would scare me off!

  5. I think it was a great idea and not at all inappropriate.

  6. I am laughing so hard!! You're husband is right. That is HYSTERICAl. Be careful G6, you don't want your neighbors to push you into the oven!

  7. How come no phone number on card ?

  8. Lol, I'm with VioletSky. Does that new cookbook also have a recipe for preparing new neighbors when they are on the menu? Definitely needed "over."

    But still, a lovely idea.

  9. BLD- I'm sure if you email G6 at she'll give you her phone number.

  10. I agree with you - definitely a nice way to let your neighbors know they are invited...
