Friday, November 12, 2010

Food Photo Friday - A Birthday Surprise

Shhhh..... Do you think we can keep Jennifer off this blog (and out of the Cake Taker in the fridge) today?
We have quite a crowd coming tonight and I expect this cake to be polished off in one sitting.
Chocolate cake, with chocolate frosting and chocolate ganache topping. What could be better?
Oh, right! Hand made marzipan flowers for decoration ;)
Anybody willing to sing a rousing chorus of "How old are you know?" is welcome to drop by for a slice....


  1. I know that we Yekkes believe in equality of the sexes, proof is that we bang by Zeresh as well as by Homon! Therefore, Mazel Tov on your daughters Bar Mitzvoh!

    Gut Shabbos to all

  2. Hey, I'll turn 13 again if I can get a cake like this one! Looks yummy. And happiest of birthdays to your daughter.

  3. Save some for me next week. Sorry i won't be here this week to stop by. Have a good Shabbos.

  4. happy birthday. That cake looks amazing! plz share the recipe!

  5. Save me a flower...Marzipan...sluuuurp.

    Happy birthday, JEN!

  6. Mazel Tov!

    I am sure you avoided this prohibition:
    The Mishna Berura in Siman 340, Seif Kattan 17, as well as the Chazon Ish forbade cutting through letters on a cake on Shabbat.

  7. Happy Birthday Jennifer!!
    We are so proud of you!!!

  8. BLD,

    What's wrong with you? You're so one-track minded. Why can't you just be normal and wish G6 a happy birthday to her daughter. Why is your mind so filled with legalities all day. Do you ever experience true, normal joy in life?


    Mazel tov to you and your daughter. May you have much nachas from her.

  9. Yum! It looks scrumptious, and the flowers are beautiful! I hope it was a wonderful time.

  10. Don't forget to make a special cake for next Shabbos day also.
