Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Guess Who's Coming To Dinner "Pirsum Project"

Following the success of the first annual Guess Who's Coming To Dinner "Succah Hop", I will be launching my next photographic meme - "The GWC2D Pirsum Project".

It was such a treat to travel through cyberspace and around the globe to visit succahs in other locales. I thought that since the whole point of lighting the menorah is to publicize the miracle of Chanukah, why not take that experience to the blogiverse as well.

Send in your (lit) menorah photos, or other Chanukah photos - taken from outside or inside... surprise me. {Frankly, I always have trouble getting the lighting just right, so I'm giving you all a shot}. I'll put them up on the blog for all to see and enjoy.

Email to: guesswhoscoming2dinner@gmail.com


  1. Question: Has it always been the yekkish tradition to light with oil? (I'm not trying to make any point or anything. I am genuinely interested to know.)

  2. Anonymous:
    As far as I know, yes.
    Why would you think otherwise?

  3. Well, I think most (or many) people in America used candles until a generation ago when they changed as part of the general "shift to the right."

    I was hence interested in whether lighting with oil was a modern chumrah or an age-old custom which simply somehow fell out of favor in America for a generation or two.

  4. My kids still love the candles... More colorful!! Btw... I am loving the chanukiah in the center (drool)!

  5. The Shulchan Aruch says that oil is the optimal fuel for fulfilling the Mitzvoh of Ner Chanukoh. There were many places in Eastern Europe, where poverty prevented the use of olive oil - no difference whether Chassidim or Misnagdim. I imagine the reason that they use candles in KAJ is because it is easier to see the flames. If anyone knows the actual reason, please share it.

    Thank you & a bright Chanukoh to all.

  6. Yekkishe Bekishe,

    I know what the Shulchan Aruch says. But minhag Yisrael is not always the same thing as what Shulchan Aruch says. I was asking about the minhag Yisrael in Germany (and other places too if anyone knows).
