Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Heads Up For KAJ Choir Afficionados...

.... both those who just can't get enough as well as those who are unable to join them in shul on Shabbos.

The KAJ Choir will be performing free of charge (thanks, guys) at the Moriah Senior Center, 90 Bennett Avenue, NYC, tomorrow, as a treat for the seniors (but blog readers are welcome to stop in ;) ...). If you are over 60, come at 12 pm for a delicious lunch (for only $1.50) - the Choir will begin singing around 12:30 pm.

Oh, and do come over to me and say, "Hi!".


  1. And maybe, just perhaps, you could record it for those of us who cant make it?

  2. Thank you for this post (for more than one reason...).

    Also, if you haven't yet watched this clip (see below), you really are missing something.

    (Note: You will only like this clip if you adopt the view among rishonim that the avos didn't "literally" keep all the mitzvos.)

  3. This sefer may be of interest:
