Sunday, December 12, 2010

Little Boys - Little Messes - - - Big Boys......

I hate to burst the bubbles of all you mothers of boys who just can't wait for them to grow up, because then all the messes will instantly disappear. Yeah. Right. Go with that.....
You may have heard about the torrential rains that we had in New York City this morning. Does that stop the "big boys" (a.k.a. grown men) from playing football {in the heavy downpour, on disgusting mud}? Not a chance. Anything brown that you see in this laundry load started out WHITE - - - just so you know.


  1. Lol, better you than me to have to do this load of laundry. But isn't this where you also have to tell the moms of those males that the same males who created the messy laundry you pictured will also turn green if asked to put their hands into a dirty roasting pan and scrub out the mess?

  2. ProfK -
    In the interest of full disclosure, none of my men have ever had any trouble getting "down and dirty" with the dishes, so I guess I can't complain too much about the laundry.... though this load DID require a double rinse and had murky BROWN water till the very end... ick...

  3. G6,
    They definitely deserve credit for being good dishwashers. One of them even makes a good dish-washing buddy. :)
    My father (the ruler of the family washing machine) would probably have made me do the laundry. And it isn't just boys, big or little, who make spectacular messes. Football in the rain is fun! Particularly when you can then shower and change into clean clothing. ;)

  4. Is this what you call airing your dirty laundry in public?
