Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pirsum Project - Chanukah Lighting at KAJ - Breuer's


  1. My father always says he misses Chazan Frankel especially around Chanukah time.

  2. Who is the Chazzan?

    The Shul appears very empty.mihyte

  3. Be glad there is still a minyon.
    Nice job by the Chazon.

  4. At the risk of sounding sarcastic, which is not my intention -
    Please realize that this was taken at a weekday 4:40 minyan in *WASHINGTON HEIGHTS* - - - a neighborhood where people still go to work.

    Not everybody can make such an early minyan.

    I should post a picture of the Sunday night carnival, I mean minyan, for comparison.

  5. How come in KAJ they don't sing Hanairos Hallalu? I know that many Yekke shuls do...

  6. G6, thanks for the inspiring video. This reminds me of another picture of lighting the 7th candle in KAJ, taken 73 years earlier in Frankfurt:


    Note the special Rosh Chodesh paroches. Do they have one in KAJ in Washington Heights?

    According to the caption in the Landesman/Kranzler biography of R' Breuer, where the same picture appears, this was Chanukah 1937. I find it eerie to think about the contrast between the dignity and solemn joy conveyed by this picture and what we know happened to the shul within a year of when it was taken.

  7. Yes, please post a picture from Sunday night. When people ask me about the few people in the shul on the video I told them exactly what you posted. And I should like to show them the difference...
    In any case: Thank you so much for sharing all those pictures and videos! it is very much appreciated over here.
