Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pirsum Project - Eighth Night In Beit Shean Valley

Perlsand, who lives on a kibbutz in the Beit Shean Valley (Ein Hanatziv), sent in this photo of her menorah, lit in her garden, which is lovingly tended to by her husband.
I know that they are wishing that rains would force them to light indoors, but it does make for a lovely shot....


  1. My Uncle lives on Ein Hanatziv - I recognize this garden!!

  2. HSaboMilner -
    Don't tell me that what happened to me on another blog, just happened to YOU on MY blog!!!
    Life is so funny sometimes.....

  3. what a small world! Do I know you, HSabo? I'm impressed-and I will tell my husband-that you recognize our garden.

  4. G6 - the world is so very small!! @perlsand - I emailed you back. Please say Hi to my uncle from me. :)

  5. Too bad I missed out in this year's meme - but next year I will try to send you a picture from Sde Eliyahu, the Kibbutz next to Ein Hanatziv where I live now (a true yekke Kibbuz :)

  6. Jonas -
    Tell me more about this "yekke kibbutz"
