Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We All Have Our Idiosyncrasies....

I'm just wondering if I'm truly alone out there or if others share my little foibles.

While a I adore fresh grapefruit, I'm not a fan of the pith OR the membrane.

Does anybody else out there meticulously strip EVERY segment prior to eating?


  1. You're not alone. I still prefer to cut the grapefruit in half and scoop out the triangle pieces. And, only pink grapefruit!

  2. Debbie -
    OF COURSE pink grapefruits (though many have tried to convince me that it is merely dye...).
    But I don't slice the grapefruit.
    I peel it like an orange, then meticulously strip each segment.
    It's actually a stunning fruit when all that remains are the little gem pockets of juice ;)

  3. Really, are we to believe that the point of this post was NOT to show off that you know the word PITH. (By the way, thanks for adding a word to my scrabble game)
    For the sake of full disclosure, I endure the membrane but ENJOY the pith, which I'm told by google has as much fibre and is equally nutritious as the flesh inside. Google further revealed to me (we're very close) that the pith can be used to make a candied grapefruit spread. Here is the link to a recipe.
    A haiku:
    Eating a grapefruit
    have you considered the pith
    to make candy with

  4. I do it too! My friends got be hooked on peeling each segment in high school and i haven't stopped since! Loving it! :)

  5. Yes, I thought everyone did this. I thought everyone owned two grapefruit knives (in case one got lost), and two more for Pesach. They don't?

  6. I'm finding it very hard to say anything pithy about this topic (stop groaning, or I'll throw in a "taking the pith" reference too)

    Stripping away the membrane of citrus fruits is actually fairly standard in most fancy preps (see, fr'instance, Jacques Pepin's orange recipe - unfortunately, the Times no longer seems to have the video), so you've got a lot of company in that regard. Personally, though, I can't be bothered - cut the thing in half, gimme a spoon and have some paper towels and water handy.

    Now, if you really want to start an argument on how to eat produce, ask an economist how to peel bananas...

  7. Well yes, removing the membrane and pith from grapefruits (and from oranges) makes them look really pretty. However, they are excellent sources of fiber, as long as you don't remove the membrane and the pith. Remove those and the fiber drops to almost nothing. We're a membrane and pith remains family.

  8. My children eat it this way and it makes such a mess, leaves lots of garbage and has less fiber. I personally like it with the pith. And it just seems easier.
    How do you eat pomegranates? Just chew all the seeds or eat the juicy parts and spit out the remains?

  9. I believe in making time for those pursuits which we find engaging and relaxing, thought provoking and stimulating. I also find it offensive when people say "I never have manicures, cuz I don't have time". we make time for the things important to us.

    but really? when I eat a grapefruit I expect it to take moments -I JUST WANT TO EAT THE WHOLE DARN THING AND NOT DISSECT IT!!

  10. You know what's funny? I grew up in Florida and never have like grapefruit.

  11. I cut it into quarters and then peel off the membrane, eating out the fruit part. Not for polite company, but it tastes oh-so-much bettter.
