Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bad4's Snow Day - Good For Sculpting

Bad4Shidduchim sent in these wonderful photos of her snow day to share with my readers.
Here's what she had to say about them:
"The snow this time was pretty awesome. I made a snow lioness who looks a little more like an overfed snow jackal or a capybara with a long tail. The artist in me says that it merely embodies the essence of guard-animal-ness in snow sculpture form. Clearly I have a ways to go until I sculpt my David."
Thanks Bad4!

She's unstoppable! Look at this photo of her masterpiece lit by snow lantern tonight!

And for those who'd like to try this, here's a video tutorial on how to make a snow lantern. If you try it, be sure to send me your photos - or better yet VIDEOS!


  1. No comments? I thought this cat was pretty impressive!

  2. Yehudah -
    So is the sculptress ;)

  3. Aw...
    *clasps hands and looks down blushing*

    PS: It was destroyed Friday night by a gang of six hoodlums. The neighbors ran out shouting to chase them away, but it was too late. *sigh*
