Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Congratulations To The Lucky Winner

The winner of the MyHeadcoverings.com giveaway, chosen by random number generator and overseen by Joey for honesty's sake (no offense, but I so wanted BLD to win - not just b/c his comment was hilarious - but b/c then I'd find out who he is.....), is......

drumroll please..........





Doobie, please email me your mailing address and your prize choice, and I'll forward it to MyHeadcoverings.com.
Those of you who didn't win, feel free to shop using this blog's unique discount code.
P.S. to Doobie - If you want to review your prize on this blog, send it on in!!! (the review, not the prize, that is.....)


  1. Congrats Doobie we hope you enjoy what ever you decide to pick, and even though everyone else didn't win you could still comment. I look forward to BLD comments every time a new post comes up, even though some members of the G6 blog commentors family thinks he's always negative but I and apparently G6 thinks he's funny.

  2. Wow! She's just winning everywhere!!!
