Friday, February 4, 2011

Food Photo Friday - Bonus Shabbos Rosh Chodesh Edition

While I've heard it said that some people customarily make 2 kugels on Shabbos Rosh Chodesh (one for each Sefer Torah that is read from?), others merely try to make special foods in honor of this occasion. (I personally am covering all my bases. I've got Carolyn's Sweet Noodle Kugel on the menu, along with my yummy Butternut Squash Kugel AND I made what follows)

DD1 told me that in her area one can purchase Chocolate Chip Challah, and when served warm from the oven on Friday night, the gooey chips are a sinful treat. So I figured, "Why not for Shabbos Rosh Chodesh?".

I scoured the internet and settled on this recipe.
Looks good enough for dessert, doesn't it ;) ?


  1. The foods eaten on Shabbos are related to the Korbonos on Shabbos so it would make sense to have something else for Rosh Chodesh with its special Korban.

  2. Looks amazing. I hope that one day I can be invited to your house for dinner

  3. Frayda -
    I'm counting on you to contact me when you expect to be in town!
    Good chodesh :D

  4. That looks like challah that can be served for dessert! And it's braided beautifully too!

    May it be a great month for you - sprinkled with many good things each day!

  5. The mishna brurah in Taph yud tes (419) sif kattan bais (2) says when Rosh Chodesh falls out on Shabbos one should have a special food in honor of Rosh Chodesh.

  6. itsagift -
    Thank You and thanks for your good wishes!
    I do a six strand braid and it gives very nice height to the challahs.

  7. The question is: would chocolate chips be good in WATER challah ;)

  8. Chocolate chip challah?? That sounds like something I'd LOVE. Did you have to use a different recipe than you usually do? Can you just add chocolate chips to any challah recipe?

  9. Mystery Woman -

    I wondered about that myself.
    This recipe was a bit heavier than my usual and it would have been OK if I had cut down a bit on the chips (though nobody complained ;) )

    If you try it with your own recipe, I'd be interested to hear how it worked out.

  10. S L made a chocolate chip Challoh a couple of weeks ago, maybe you could ask her how she made it.

  11. I am wondering if you have a special dinner for Rosh Chodesh, my in-laws have and a couple of other people from the community have. I am curious to know what your "Minhag" is?

  12. I guess you will be making three Kugels this Shabbos because we lein from three Sifrei Torah.
