Friday, February 11, 2011

Food Photo Friday - Parshas Tetzaveh

No I didn't make this.
Pragmatic Attic gets all the credit, but I loved it so much that I just had to get permission to share it with you.
What a clever idea for a parsha dessert - a Choshen!
Check out her blog and see how she researched and made it.


  1. Wow what a stunning piece of work!!! Its always nice to incorporate the Parsha into the dessert.

  2. Thanks for the shout-out. And Shabbat Shalom!
    (Now, I want to make a stained glass cookie Choshen-we'll see if I can't get around to it with the kids later!)

  3. That's really nice - to make a dessert that connects to the parsha. Thanks for posting this!

  4. It looks really pretty...but is that real food?

  5. For Naso we always put some dirt into the seltzer
