Friday, March 4, 2011

Food Photo Friday - What Kind Of Haman Men?!?!

You may recall my post and photograph of Haman Men Baking Results from last year.
Well, THIS is what happens when you let Joey help with the process....
There's "One Star General Alien" Haman Man, "Conehead" Haman Man, "Silently Judgmental" Haman Man, "Struck By Lightening" Haman Man and "Big Dipper Confused" Haman Man.
Apparently, I caught him and stopped him before he got to "Mildly Bemused" Haman Man.

So this year, if you stop by our home on Purim and see something odd swinging from our chandelier, or your child arrives home clutching a deformed confection, you know who to blame.......


  1. Kol Hakavod Joey!
    If in adar we expect things to be turned on their heads, what better way to do that than to manipulate Hamen into a character that is, through humor, represented by being somewhat "twisted".

  2. These are great! I like all the variations of Haman!

  3. I want one of the "deformed" ones! I think they're hilarious!
