Monday, April 18, 2011

Strawberry Fluff - The Ritual Continues

I posted a couple of years back about my family's Strawberry Fluff Making Ritual.
Over the years, it became harder and harder to get everyone together for the "event".
I'm pleased to tell you that this year, I had the great joy of continuing the tradition with the NEXT generation.
Of course my hand mixer is from the "older generation" and one of its beaters gave out mid-whip. FSIL (favorite/only son-in-law) pitched in and held the decrepit appliance until all the fluffy goodness was achieved.

Wising you all a very sweet Yom Tov.
Chag Kasher V'sameach!


  1. Chag Kasher Vesameach - from me and the KoD and assorted progeny

  2. send my regards to those beautiful girlies!!

  3. Ahuva - DONE!
    (I'd sure loved to have posted your family's picture from today ;)

  4. Love the pic with the beater. I'm glad you were able to make it happen. Does Kayla actually like the strawberry fluff (not that it matters much).

    p.s. Hi Haddassah :)

  5. Oops. Sorry about the second 'd' in Hadassah. Blame it
    On the iPhone.

  6. We are bored - we want some lengthy Pesach posts.

  7. BLD, spoken like a true man.
    Sure....I have tons of time for lengthly Pesach posts....
    (rolls eyes, ends sarcasm....)

  8. Haben sie gut gerumpelt????? Only took us an hour & a half!!!!

  9. The Gemora says that one who does not have a Kosher Lulav on succos should take a non-kosher one so that he should at least have a remnants of the Mitzvo so too for the blog, there have (or has, gotta ask my English teacher) not been so many posts about Pesach so I'm looking at last years post.
