Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It Is Now SAFE To Come To Dinner!

You might have noticed that posts have been spotty lately.
Yes, Pesach has passed, but the challenges of my job have not.
In a continuing effort to build the Senior Center that I work for into the absolute best that it can be, I challenged myself to "go back to school".

I am pleased to report to you that after exhaustive study into the precise minutiae of e coli, salmonella, scromboid poisoning, vermin infestations, commercial kitchen design and plumbing, I am the proud holder of a New York City Food Handler's Certificate.

So for anybody who was hesitant to come to Dinner because they were worried about anisakis worms in the fish - I now know more than you'll EVER want to know about them!!


  1. WordsWithFriendsAndJen :-PMay 20, 2011 at 11:25 AM

    Phew. Now I can come. When I have a place to stay. ;-)

  2. WWF&J :-P -
    Stay with Scraps and bring her along!
    Beef will be cooked to 165 degrees, Ground meat to 158 and eggs (except the ones I sneak into the mousse {don't tell!} :P) to 145!

  3. Mazal tov on your graduation!

  4. I'm still available for Shovaus....

  5. Shuli, you are inspiring me!!!!! That's amazing.

  6. Could you offer your expertise for those who still don't have power, how long should one throw out cheese when sitting in the fridge without power?

  7. Any thoughts on the apple juice controversy?
