Monday, July 18, 2011

Biking the City - Week Two

Lessons painfully learned, sunscreen in hand, Avram and I set out yesterday to enjoy another rare temperate Sunday in New York City.

This week's goal was to go a few rounds with the bikes on the Loop at Central Park.

I've always been a great fan of Central Park and all that it has to offer, though usually we enjoy only one small segment at a time - whether it be the now defunct Philharmonic Concerts on the Great Lawn (why they chose not to run them this year is beyond me... ), boating on the lake by Bethesda Fountain (I searched this blog for a photo post showing the actual fountain, and can't believe that I never have.....), Shakespeare in the Park, Shakespeare on the Run (not to confuse the two), whatever happens to be going on at the bandshell (and something ALWAYS is...), the carousel, the zoo, or the numerous playgrounds and walks.

What was nice and new about circling Central Park on bikes, was that we could enjoy so many different corners of it all in one day. We started by sharing paths with all manner of tourists and attractions at the Columbus Circle Entrance to the park. We rode alongside pedicabs, hansom cab drivers and their horses, tourists, joggers and families out for an afternoon stroll. We took a break and enjoyed lunch while overlooking the scenic views of the Reservoir. We pedaled on and enjoyed the strains of all sorts of street performers as we flew by. We stopped for a drink at the fountain and admired the beauty of the lake, dotted with boats (and secretly were glad that we had chosen biking instead that day - affording us a cool breeze not present under the hot sun on the water).

Central Park is truly one of New York's great treasures.

Next week, I'm tempted to try out the Hudson River Greenway.
Any readers who have gone that route are welcome to offer tips and suggestions.


  1. Sounds like a great day. Sundays in the summer spent outside cannot be beat.

  2. I'm not a fan of bikers, they think they own the road, they have zero respect for motorists, its bad enough that they took away driving lane from us but I have to deal with these guys is a bigger problem.

  3. Am I the only crazy person that woke up to eat? Is there anyone else that is up out there?

  4. I'm less surprised that you woke up to eat, than the fact that you chose to check out my blog at the same time :)
    But thanks for the traffic and "beis gut an".

  5. I also woke up early. Us young - and not so young - grandparents must take our morning medications / supplements.

  6. So what's for anbeisen?

    I'm having home made pizza bagels and a spinach quiche.

  7. YW- The topic of anbeisen has long since been addressed HERE.

  8. How many people besides me look at post from two years ago? And once a topic is up once it can't be topic for discussion again??

  9. Maybe you could try a horse ride around central park

  10. My mother only goes biking in Governors Island because she thinks it is not tzinus to go biking

  11. Dont forget to call and check up on your elderly neighbors in this extreme heat.

  12. Central Park is such a great place. There's so much going on there!

    Sounds like you are keeping yourself busy and hopping this summer!

    If you go to a different place every Sunday, you'll probably miss me if and when I get to Governor's Island! (I'm just teasing :-p)
