Friday, July 8, 2011

Food Photo Friday - Dressing Up The Ordinary

One of my family's preferred cakes is a one bowl, no egg recipe entitled Quick As A Wink Cake. It is delicious to be sure.
But sometimes, I want to dress up a dessert a bit more.
This Shabbos, I have taken a few small steps to do just that.
I cubed the cake, placed it in a decorative dessert dish, with whipped cream, strawberries and chocolate sauce.
All of a sudden it becomes a decadent Chocolate Cake Sundae Trifle.
[This one won't make it to the Shabbos table. The table setter gets it ;) ]


  1. No recipe along with this post? That's a real tease!

    This is one of those times when I wish I could taste the food off the screen-can they come up with that sort of thing? I mean, technology is so advanced these days!

  2. Can I come be the table setter?

  3. Yeah, what's the cake recipe?

  4. OK OK!

    Quick as a Wink Chocolate Cake

    1 cup sugar
    1 1/2 cups flour
    1/3 cup cocoa
    1/2 teaspoon baking soda
    1/2 package vanilla sugar
    1/2 cup oil
    1 cup cold water
    2 Tablespoons vinegar

    Grease bottom of 9" round or 8" x 8" square pan.

    Mix together first 7 ingredients.

    Pour in vinegar. Mix well.

    Bake at 375° for 1/2 hour.

  5. Hi G6,
    Thanks so much for posting this recipe. Sorry I didn't get to come back to comment til now but I did want to let you know that I baked this cake last Thursday night and it came out delicious!

    This is my kind of cake-simple, quick and easy. No hard to find ingredients, everything was in the pantry and it also tastes really good!

    Just wondering-for next time (and iy"h there WILL be a next time)-do you have a good recipe for a glaze/icing for the top of this cake?

