Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Thanks to Molly (and the "Aibishter"....)

I went on another one of Molly Resnick's Senior Trips again last night.
Molly, who tirelessly organizes these outings, is the most important part of the trip.
I know, because she told me.
I was resoundingly chastised for not mentioning her in previous posts.
So you've now been put on notice. The trips are NOTHING without Molly (though she does occasionally share credit with the "Aibishter").

That said, let me tell you about the less important part of my evening - namely the actual outing.
The New York Philharmonic Summertime Classics Series presented a Star Spangled Celebration, featuring The United States Marine Drum & Bugle Corps. What a perfect ending to a wonderful long July 4th weekend.
I never thought I'd laugh so much at the Philharmonic. Who knew conductors could be so cheeky?
It was rousing, humorous and entertaining all at once.
I snuck a few glimpses to share with you. I won't tell if you won't....

1 comment:

  1. beautiful!
    I can't hear that music without hearing "Be kind to your web footed friend..."
