Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Because it's MY blog and I CAN.....

I know this video has nothing much to do with anything, nor does it really tie in with the few "themes" this blog actually has (food, family and community), but I really liked it so I thought I'd share.

I admit to being a bit of a "gym rat" and spending what some may say is too much of my day surrounded by treadmills, which may be why I was so impressed with this performance. These guys certainly have more fun on the equipment than I ever do.


  1. always loved this video. I heard someone call it a dreadmill yesterday. such an appropriate nickname...

  2. I've seen this before, but it was fun to watch again. And yes, it's YOUR blog. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Maybe it's due to the late hour, but I thought that was really cool. Didn't follow the story behind all of the choreography and won't bother watching it again tonight, but it certainly put me in a good mood to go to sleep.

  4. Any advice on the upcoming storm?
