Sunday, August 28, 2011

Food Photo Friday Sunday - Hurricane / Pre-Rosh Hashana Edition

While everybody else was out at the store on Friday stocking up on bottled water and flashlight batteries, yours truly was buying yeast, bread flour and parsnips.
What others saw as an impending disaster, I viewed as a good excuse to get some heavy-duty cooking and baking done for Yom Tov.
Hurricane for me meant a big pot of soup for the freezer and 5 lbs. of raisin/craisin challahs.
I had been wanting to experiment with the Croation Star shaped challah for Rosh Hashana ever since Chaviva linked this blog post over at The Challah Blog. The round shape, coupled with strategic placement of raisins and craisins seemed so well suited for this purpose.

The results were even more stunning than I had hoped.

And the best part?
I got to do it all with my evacuated little granddaughter - as we played dress up ;)


  1. those are gorgeous challahs! and a gorgeous granddaughter too!

  2. These challot are just gorgeous, and it was a brilliant way to spend the rainy day! I wish I had thought of that... then again, we are decluttering and sorting, which is also important. I am definitely going to attempt this type of challah this year. Thank you SO much for the inspiration!

  3. Gorgeous! We baked bread, too, but it was for immediate consumption.

    Send links to JPiX and KCC!

  4. Those are seriously gorgeous! I love how creative your are!

    This post put me in a challah baking mood- bought all the stuff, going to see if I make it home at a decent hour any night this week. :)


  5. I knew this post would get all your bloggy friends to comment.

  6. Wow, those challahs look really cool!

  7. Wow...those are stunning challahs!
    What a smart way to spend the day!

  8. Love this! The placement of the raisins is genius! (Although, in our family, we're anti-raisin, this is so fun for chocolate chips!)

    Amanda @

  9. Thanks Amanda!
    There are of course more raisins buried in the dough itself, but I agree that the strategic placement of a few extras on the outside made a big difference.

  10. Had to make the challahs after seeing the beautiful photos and got oohs and aahs from the family, so thanks for the posting. Experimented a bit and made kokosh in this shape also--looked beautiful on the cake plate and disappeared fast.

  11. Kokosh!
    What an inspired idea.
    Care to share the recipe? :D

  12. Those are stunning! I can't wait to share on my RH round-up. Thanks for sharing the link with me :-)

  13. What a fabulous looking challah and picture.
