Sunday, September 11, 2011

Further Forays Into Round Challah

After the resounding success of my Croatian Star Challah experiment, I was emboldened to try yet another round shape for the upcoming Yomim Tovim.

My friend Hadassah patiently walked me through the steps for what I am calling her Twitter Challah (purely because the first formation is a hashtag... draw no conclusion as to how she spends her time....), which looks more complicated than it really is.

So many lovely ways to honor the holidays....

And while you're at it, please have Hadassah in your tefillos early tomorrow morning, as she undergoes spinal surgery - Hadassah Henya bas Rivka.
Refuah Sheleima Hadassah!!!!


  1. are you trying to say I spend time on twitter, perhaps too much? I resemble that remark!!

    They look beautiful - may you have a sweet and happy year my friend.

  2. Now even more reason for Hadassah to have a speedy, healthy recovery from her surgery - your round challot look gorgeous and I'd love to learn how. Then again, I could probably read all of Hadassah's stream and maybe figure it out...

    Thinking of you, praying for you, Hadassah.

  3. Those challos look beautiful. They are different than the round crown looking shape I'm used to.

    Can you post step-by-step directions for braiding this one or is it too complicated?

    Hadassah, hope it goes well tomorrow.

  4. very nice! when are you hosting a tasting?

  5. Growing up in the Heights, I remember that the 2 bakeries (Tasty Pastry and Frank's) sold the same shaped challahs for yom tovim as shabbos. When did this change with the Yekkes and why?

  6. Anonymous-

    I don't know about Franks and Tasty Pastry, but as long as I can remember Gruenebaums always baked round challahs for Rosh Hashonoh and Shabbos Shuva.

  7. itsagift -
    I just found this three minute video that describes three different techniques.
    My challahs followed the SECOND (four strand) technique.
    Good luck.

  8. G6-thanks for finding a video for me. Can I get a link?

  9. Oh, my goodness!
    I forgot to attach the link!!!
    I'm so sorry.
    Here you go ;)

  10. Here's another blog post that has detailed photos as to how to create this shape.

  11. Thanks so much for both links!

    The first one in the video is very similar to the one I'm used to - putting out the six strands of dough is a teeny bit different. And the four braid seems so easy but comes out so beautiful!
