Saturday, October 1, 2011

Decisions, Decisions....

Since all of you are the ones who visit this site, I feel as if I should include you in my next design opportunity.

Blogger is offering all bloggers the opportunity to try out new designs which may make it easier for readers to navigate the blogs. If you are interested in all the technicalities, you can read about it here.

If not, you can still help me make my choice, by clicking HERE and previewing what the new format might look like for my blog. There are several choices - Classic, Flipcard, Magazine, Mosaic, Sidebar, Snapshot and Timeslide. Click on each choice at the top of the page to see how they would look.

You can then feel free to leave me a comment stating which, if any, you'd prefer over my current format (am I ready to say good-bye to the pretty orange background?).

Thanks for your feedback!


  1. Magazine or timeslide.

    Shana Tova!

    Are you doing your blog sukkah hopping again this year?

  2. Leora - I like those two as well!

    I am MOST DEFINITELY accepting submissions and doing my Sukkah Hop again this year. Feel free to contribute. It was such fun last year!!!

    Gmar Tov.

  3. Considering you use pictures often, Magazine should be really nice.

  4. Ok, I am probably being a ludite, but I found ALL of the views with the little pop-up windows (ala flipcard) to be really confusing. That being said I didn't like the look of sidebar. If I had to pick from among these newfangled popup things (I think for those with slow internet it is just sort of painful to wait for it to load, and then you cannot really use the back button in the browser, at least not in my browser...), I would choose flipcard. In the other views, I am embarrassed to say, I got totally lost and could not figure out where I was in the blog or what had come first or second. I do not know why.

  5. ohh I should add...I really like the current format, and would be happiest if you stayed with the format, and then if you are yearning for change then rather change the colors or the main picture than the format but then again I am obviously outnumbered here

  6. Louisa -
    The one big benefit of the new format is that it keeps loading... no more "older posts" at the bottom.
    The one VERY BIG drawback for me - which I'm surprised nobody noticed yet - is the absence of my sidebar with all my gadgets and widgets.
    Until they integrate THAT (which is a big complaint of many bloggers so I'm sure it'll be added eventually), I'm staying put.

  7. None of them. I like it the way it is best. But...I don't do well with change, so I'm not sure my opinion counts.

  8. Either Sidebar or Magazine, that is if you MUST change from the current setup.

    I like the current setup best. If you want some variety, you can always change the background.

    Less than two weeks to my annual appearance! Don't hold your breath, just get excited.....

    Gmar Chasima Tovah to all

  9. I never got to comment on this one but I'll still drop my opinion here even though it's a little late. Glad to see nothing changed here just yet cuz I like the way it is right now. And that's a very big downside-if you'll lose the sidebar.

    I'm sure you'll keep us posted if you decide to make any major changes and I'm happy to see that I'm not the only one who likes the current format.
