Tuesday, October 18, 2011

GWC2D Succah Hop - Succos In The City Part II

The Bryant Park succah has always been a favorite of mine. The park itself offers free ping pong (free ice skating each year in the winter, but not over Succos) a well stocked outdoor "reading room" for little ones (tiny tables and chairs provided), a sweet carousel for children and a lovely fountain - all in a few square blocks. (Special events take place throughout the year - definitely worth checking out)

The succah is beautiful, well appointed and spacious.
Not to mention the fact that the Bryant Park bathroom is without a doubt the nicest public bathroom around (full time attendant, piped in music, fresh flowers, automatic seat covers....).


  1. Looks like the Daily News borrowed a page from your blog


  2. I saw it and was going to post it.
    Thanks for saving me the effort ;)

  3. More than the succah, I LOVE those flowers! The colors on each step are really nice.

    I've been to there a few times in the winter and I've gone ice skating but for some reason I don't remember the fresh flowers in the bathroom...I'll have to check them out next time I'm there :)
