Sunday, January 1, 2012

Food Photo - The Hot Cocoa Bar

When choosing melave malka food for large groups, I like to have one "interactive element". I've done fondues - both pizza with bread cubes, and chocolate with everything under the sun ;).

Last night I tried something that seems to be quite "up and coming" ... the Hot Cocoa Bar.

It is deliciously simple - and I do mean DELICIOUS. Simply set out a carafe of steaming hot cocoa and serve with a variety of toppings. I chose cinnamon sticks, chocolate chips, mini marshmallows, freshly whipped cream, candy coated chips, peppermint sticks and these wonderful dipping spoons. To create these spoons, I simply filled them with good quality melted Swiss chocolate and sprinkled with decors. Within moments of being submerged into a steaming mug, the chocolate is warm and creamy and it infuses the entire drink. Not to mention they LOOK SO PRETTY!

I also made these lox canapes on toast squares:

and here's the rest of the spread (thanks to the help of many of the guests)............


  1. This is SO up my alley! If there's chocolate, I'll take some :)
    (But I'll pass the lox on to someone else...)

  2. This is a fantastic idea. Love it. And in general, I think your idea of having something interactive is clever.
    I think a hot cocoa kit with the chocolate spoons would be a nice mishloach manot idea (I'm thinking about Purim already).

  3. itsagift: passing on the lox = your loss.

    BLD: highly enthusiastic, since you asked (albeit periodically off-key... sorry!)

    Oh, and G6: Brava on hosting an incredible evening!

  4. What is pizza fondue?

  5. Pizza Fondue is basically marinara sauce and cheese melted together with spices and guests dip various different types of bread cubes for a delicious cheesy snack.
    (Think cheese fondue with added tomato)

  6. This post is...SO INCREDIBLE. I miss you, Shuli!!!

  7. Is this last post of the year ? Good job, thanks for the memories.

  8. I ALSO miss new posts

  9. Those chocolate-dipped spoons are amazing! That's just the kind of thing that people makes a fuss over but isn't actually a potchke!
