Saturday, April 14, 2012

Time To Rumple....

Attention all men who may be tempted to look at this video tonight.
Please make sure to offer your wife/mother/sister your assistance in the kitchen prior to indulging.

Following is the FULL concert video of the KAJ Choir on Chol Hamoed Pesach.
I included the commentary and speeches (very short) because I found them both informative and entertaining. I hope you do as well.

If you don't have enough time to watch the full hour and ten minutes, you can watch clips of selected songs from my personal playlist here.

On a side note: I have a rumplenacht question for the masses. Does anyone else out there have the minhag to make havdalah tonight on beer (i.e. chometz)? This was my father's minhag and I am curious as to how widespread this custom is and if anybody knows of a source.....


  1. I believe the Vilna Goan used to make Havdalah on beer. I am not 100 percent sure of the reason so I will wait to confirm it and I will get back to you.

  2. The Remo in Reish Zdi Vav (296) says that the Minhag is to use beer for Havdalah on Motzai Pesach because it is more Chaviv at that time.

  3. YW -
    I can always count on you to come through with sources.
    Well done!
    Thank you.
    Now I'm curious who else does this...

  4. The Vilna Gaon did this in order to distinguish between Chametz and non-chametz. This was in effect a double havdalah.

  5. Thanks for the videos. I am sick with 102 fever and strep. You are making my time in bed make more joyful by watching the choir.

  6. My family (from Ichenhausen) uses beer.
