Monday, June 18, 2012

MyHeadcoverings - A Three Generation Review & Giveaway

You might remember a while back I did a review for
The kind folks over there have offered me the opportunity to do so again - with a twist.

I present to you all a three generation review and giveaway - proving that truly does have something for everyone.

Since the product that I still wear the most from my last review is the pre-tied, I decided to try two of those again. This time I tried a sparkle swirl one, similar to the appliqued one that I own, and an Israeli pre-tied as well. Israeli tichels are all the rage now but tying them can take a small amount of skill and time. I like to be able to "grab and dump" so the idea of an Israeli pre-tied sounded intriguing.
I chose the purple sparkle swirl because the black one was too.... well.... black. And the silver and blue seemed a bit too flashy to me. I think this snood will become my new favorite. It fit snugly and looks so pretty.
Now the Israeli pre-tied will take a bit more finesse... The fabric is INCREDIBLY light, making it a wonderful choice for summer, but figuring out how to create some of those fancier buns and wraps may take me a bit of practice. Good thing it's a pre-tied. Because it looks lovely just as it is, with the tails hanging long. That also fits well with my aforementioned "grab and dump" styling ;) .

My daughter Erica chose the studded beret/short snood in navy which she plans on wearing as a snood. She reports that it’s a very comfortable and light weight knit which should be great for the summer. The studs on the snood give it just the right amount of sparkle - noticeable but not overly flashy. This is definitely a snood that she will wear on a regular basis and she's even considering buying it in another color.

Now little granddaughter Kayla has been wishing for a pretty white headband to go with her summer dresses, and has a lovely assortment of jewelry and hair accessories for the little ones. She settled on the flower headband with sequins and gem and when prompted, said the following about it:
“It’s so pretty and I want to keep it. It’s so sparkly and so shiny. It’s so comfortable and I want to wear it.”

Now once again, what would a review be without a giveaway? We will be giving away a $20 credit towards any item on the site. Many items are less, so you can get them free. If you'd like a more expensive item, simply pay the balance. If you'd like a chance to win, simply visit and leave a comment here telling me what your favorite product is, with a link. I will choose one winner at random on Monday June 25th, after 9 pm.

In addition, as an extra gift to all my blog readers, My Headcoverings has set up a coupon code just for the readers of this blog. Simply enter the code "dinner10" at checkout, for 10% off your entire purchase. This code will be valid for the next 14 days.

So go forth and shop! :)
And be sure to share this giveaway with your friends.


  1. Pretty!

    But they need to make sure everything's on a head. I don't know what some of these things are supposed to look like on a person.

  2. I would like to try the Hidden Height Cotton Undercover. I make all my own undertichels and would be interested to see how this looks. Is it good for a bun style? I make sort of a stuffed bun in the back of mine. This looks like some of the top could be gathered into the bun in back. I have to tell you that the black is much more practical. White would get dirty too fast and might show under some scarves.

  3. Wigrip, no question. I got an off brand one someplace else that does seem to work well, but my mother-in-law has the wigrip. I am fine with mine, but I tried her's and it's great. I'm only getting married in two weeks and covering my hair at that point and I'm looking forward to not having to use sheitel clips!


    Love these hats.

  5. Do they have 1 for men

  6. I like the Israeli Pretieds.
    And the baby bling ;)

  7. I like the studded beret your daughter chose.

  8. I love Israeli tichels of all sorts.
    Because they ARE so light!


    I wear everything, so everything looks good. I've never tried berets before, so I'd try one of those for the summer.


    I'm sorry for the delay, but because I think I recognized some of the entrants by their "handles", I wanted an impartial person to activate the online numbers generator.

    Then numbers have now been generated and the winner is FDIL.

    Please contact me at

    If I don't hear from you in a week, I will choose another winner.

    Please feel free, those who did not win to use the coupon code!
    Happy Shopping.

  11. oh, well. will have to try again next year ;)


    I love this headband. I couldn't find the navy snood with sparkles, but that sounds pretty.
