Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day Poetry

Guest Post By Anonymous....

By: Not Robert Frost

Today’s the end of all the trauma
If you’re alive and not a zombie
You know now ends a year of drama
Between Mitt Romney and Obama
You know Election Day’s upon thee
Both Democrats and Republicans
Irritating us through 2012
Once you have tossed your filled ballot in
At last a brief respite begins
As they’ll now just fight amongst themselves
My election headache will subside
Brought on by ads you cannot escape
Shouting for us to be on their side
Yelling that the opponents have lied
Now their dull roar shall at last abate
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Four years from now when we will regress
But I’ll step into that booth and I-
I’ll check the box next to one guy
And that vote still matters nonetheless

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