Monday, December 24, 2012

December Kosher Connection - Chinese Food

I've posted this recipe before but was prompted to repost by the kind folks who run the Kosher Connection Link Up. This month's theme is Chinese Food and my yummy Pastrami Egg Rolls are always a hit at our Friday Night Table.

I begin by combining a can of stir fry vegetables, chopped fine, with some sauteed chopped onion and red cabbage and some finely diced pastrami. I seasoned it with soy sauce and some seasonings. This recipe is very flexible. I have, on occasion, added canned mushrooms as well. If you like it - ADD IT!  Then roll the mixture up in egg roll wrappers and fry them quickly in super hot oil.

The results are pleasing to both the eyes as well as the palate.


  1. Great take on the normally ordinary egg roll!

  2. Looks good, hard to go wrong really.

  3. Princess Lea - email me please.

  4. This is great! Hubby loves Chinese food but doesn't like the flavor of soy sauce (go figure). I will definitely try some of these out.

  5. that pastrami egg roll looks incredible. Perfect l'chovod shabbas and yom tov. Brad
