Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Guest Services

I've written previously about how, as a hostess, I appreciate ambiance and the incumbency on hostesses to make their guests feel comfortable.

We recently had the pleasure of attending a fundraising dinner for Chabad on the Upper East Side, held at  Guasavino's, a New York City interior landmark located under the 59th Street Bridge.  I was fascinated with this venue, which I had never seen before. Another guest remarked that one usually associates those congregating under a bridge with indigents, not with those indulging in luxury. But luxurious it was. The high, vaulted ceilings and ful-length windows made for an impressive space. The lighting upstairs also added to the feel.

But by far, the most impressive guest service that I experienced nowhere else before was what I have decided to call "Reverse Coat Check".  There were no guests standing in line at a window with heavy outerwear slung over their arms awaiting a numbered ticket. Instead - Guastavino's staff were the ones to stand in line at the ready, awaiting each guest and taking  their coats to be whisked off to the coat room.
Very cool.....

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