Monday, September 22, 2008

Pre Rosh Hashana Cooking Bonanza

Yesterday was a productive day.
I made about 40 stuffed cabbage rolls, my second 5 lb. batch of challah (this time sans the raisins...), a honey orange spice cake and two chocolate cake layers that may or may not be used for a certain someone's birthday ;) The freezer door now gets closed like we used to sit on those hard sided suitcases in the old days before going on an extended vacation.
I missed the beautiful weather. Why is it that the best weather days - when summer turns to autumn and when winter turns to spring - always seem to be on pre yom tov Sundays when I am home cooking and cleaning - before Rosh Hashana and before Pesach? A bit of a pity I say.....


  1. I haven't started at all.... decided to keep it simple.....

  2. I went to a park when I should a been cooking. way more fun but not very practical.
    don't you wonder about those women whom the day before a yomtov are running around trying to find a french roast or pomegranate or white tie. Like, didn't they see their kids projects? Didn't they know yomtov was coming??

  3. CoBN -
    I wonder about that less than I wonder about the singles who inevitably call late Thursday nights, or the morning of an erev Yom Tov, asking if they can come for a meal.
    I tell them that as far as I know, Shabbos comes the same day every week and wonder if they were in shul each day saying "Hayom Yom ____ L'Shabbos".
