Monday, September 22, 2008

I Hate Boro Park....

Have I mentioned that I hate Boro Park? I know some of you are throwing tomatoes at me right now but I don't care. And perhaps I am being a bit harsh (not really). Maybe I don't like Boro Park because every time I go there it is for a marathon shopping trip which leaves me with aching toes, an empty wallet and all the life sucked out of me.
I went today to buy tablecloths, paper & plastic goods, candy and assorted junk food for the Kehilla's Simchas Torah party (think 250 people sitting around and listening to speeches - if you don't feed them they realize it's not a party and mutiny is imminent). I also started looking for candy to give the little kids who go around collecting. Erica has been raving lately about apple chips but Jen tells me that only grownups like apple chips... ("They're healthy, Mommy!!!! {insert eye roll here}"). So much for that. I've been told Twerpz are a hot item. I tried them - who wants to eat sweetened plastic?!!?!? The Klik "In" bars with nougat looked good so I got a whole mess of those. I had to go to not one but TWO Oh Nuts stores just to find the raspberry and blackberry jellies and struck out on chocolate covered raisins in BOTH locations. This little foray took NINE hours door to door.
Now all that's left is ordering the cookies and dissecting 30-40 melons (anybody free on Hoshana Rabba? Come on over to the G6 melon balling party... I hear it's the place to be!)

OK, so I saw my first live dead lamb's head (eyes, tongue, teeth and all) in the butcher shop which was kinda cool......... (I hear the cheek is the best part).


  1. Didnt know so much went into shopping. So thats how you rock The 3rd meal of the sabbath.

  2. what do guys think, someone snaps their fingers and the table is set?


  3. Monsey has everything brooklyn has, including the brooklyn people. Come here to shop!

    I agree with you- who wants to deal with rude people, third worldish driving skills, black clad women who stare, clerks who ignore, lousy parking, garbage...

    You're very dedicated to your simchat hachag party.
